Last Updated: October, 2023

Introduction: (referred to as “we,” “our,” or “us”) operates a gambling website ( (the “Website”). We believe in promoting responsible gambling and providing transparency to our users. It is essential to understand the risks associated with gambling activities before participating. This Risk Disclosure is intended to inform you about the potential risks involved in gambling and to encourage responsible gaming practices.

Gambling is Risky:

Gambling inherently involves risk, and it is possible to lose more money than you initially wagered. It is not a guaranteed way to make money and should not be used as a financial investment.

Responsible Gambling:

We encourage responsible gambling practices, including setting limits on your wagers, time spent on the Website, and funds deposited. It is vital to gamble only with the money you can afford to lose.

Legal Age Requirements:

You must be of legal gambling age in your jurisdiction to use our Website. Gambling by individuals under the legal age is strictly prohibited.

Gambling Addiction:

Gambling can become addictive for some individuals. If you believe that you or someone you know may have a gambling problem, seek assistance from organizations that provide support for gambling addiction.


We provide options for self-exclusion from our Website if you believe it is necessary to control your gambling habits. Please contact our customer support for assistance with self-exclusion.

Financial Consequences:

Before participating in gambling activities, consider the potential financial consequences and ensure you are comfortable with the risk involved.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance:

Our Website operates under the laws and regulations of [Your Jurisdiction]. It is your responsibility to be aware of and comply with the legal requirements applicable to your location.

No Guarantee of Winning:

Winning in gambling is not guaranteed. Outcomes are based on chance, and there are no guaranteed strategies for success.

Use of Funds:

We strongly recommend that you use funds for gambling that are separate from your essential financial resources. Do not use funds allocated for bills, rent, or other necessities for gambling.

Support and Resources:

If you or someone you know is struggling with gambling-related issues, numerous support and counseling resources are available. Contact 800-GAMBLER for assistance.

Contact Us:  If you have any questions or concerns about this Risk Disclosure, please contact us below.

By using our Website, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Risk Disclosure and accept the associated risks of gambling. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use our Website for gambling activities.

Risk Disclaimer: Gambling entails substantial risks and may not be appropriate for everyone. There is a potential for losing all your capital. The term “risk capital” denotes funds that can be dispensed with without jeopardizing one’s financial stability or standard of living. Gambling activities should exclusively involve risk capital, and only those individuals possessing ample risk capital should consider participating.

Affiliate Notice: The external links featured on my website and within my video descriptions primarily function as affiliate links. This means that I receive a commission from companies and software providers when individuals who visit these links make a purchase. It’s important to emphasize that I exclusively endorse companies and software that I personally utilize and genuinely support. For a comprehensive understanding of my affiliate disclosure, please consult the full set of disclosures available in the website footer.


The Maverick of Baccarat is a professional Baccarat player and coach.  Offering online training and coaching. 

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